Networking evening “Innovative ideas for education – promoting STEM and lifelong learning”
Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, gaming, and other technological concepts open up completely new potential for making science and technology subjects in particular more accessible, appealing, and exciting, and thus for promoting STEM education. The fact that this is becoming increasingly important is shown not least by the rather sobering findings in this regard time and again.
Our networking evening “Innovative Ideas for Education – Promoting STEM and Lifelong Learning” takes up this important topic.
Numerous impulses will highlight concrete ideas and concepts and discuss together how these can be implemented and how future educational concepts can be designed holistically to promote openness for STEM subjects not only in schools.
You are cordially invited to this free online networking! Look forward to the video message from Minister of State Judith Gerlach, Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs, exciting ideas and concepts and discuss with our impulse providers.
- Veranstaltungsformat: Online
- Veranstaltungsort: online