


18:00 - 20:00

networking evening Chaos through chatbots or expertise through experts? The role of generative AI in knowledge management

Since the advent of modern knowledge management in organisations, digitalisation has played a key role. But since the introduction of data-based systems through to expert systems, the focus has shifted away from static storage and towards supporting highly dynamic knowledge processes. With the latest advances in generative AI, a new era is beginning. These technologies no longer just manage knowledge – they generate new knowledge in real time and respond to specific needs.
Traditional knowledge management made a clear distinction between the knowledge in stored structures and the expertise of specialists who could use this knowledge. This boundary is becoming blurred. Generative AI taps into knowledge dynamically, provides contextualised information and takes on more and more tasks that were previously reserved for experts. This raises fundamental questions: What role will traditional knowledge processes have in the future? How is knowledge management changing in organisations? And what does this mean for knowledge workers?
The conference brings together experts from the fields of AI, knowledge management and organisational development. After a look at the development of knowledge systems, a case study will explain how generative AI has revolutionised a company’s knowledge management. Finally, we will look at the general impact on knowledge work, future work profiles and new organisational structures.

  • Veranstaltungsformat: Online

The event is finished.