


9:00 - 16:00

Expert Conference “Resilience and ICT”: “What does resilience mean in ICT, and how can it be achieved?”

A series of events in three parts “Resilience and ICT”
“What does resilience in ICT mean, and how can it be achieved?”

As we saw during the Corona pandemic, among other things, life without always-functioning ICT services with the application-specific required performance is no longer imaginable today. But can we really rely on “our ICT”, does it really always work reliably and with the required performance? And is this guaranteed – according to human judgment – even in stressful situations, regardless of whether they are caused, for example, by overload, by technical or human errors, by natural disasters or by sabotage in real and space and in cyberspace? In short, is our ICT sufficiently resilient for the central role it plays in our society, our economy, our lives? Most importantly, what measures and precautions can reasonably be taken to improve resilience?

The MÜNCHNER KREIS will shed light on these questions in a three-part series of events entitled “Resilience and ICT,” in which we want to move from the fundamental to the specific, raise questions, answer them where possible, and also provide pointers to possible options for action.

  • Veranstaltungsformat: Präsenz
  • Veranstaltungsort: Literaturhaus in München

The event is finished.